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Uniform and Militia References in
Canadian Newspapers during the War of 1812

Compiled by René Chartrand

Former long-time Military Curator of Parks Canada, Mr Chartrand is the author of countless quality books and articles on military dress.  Mr Chartrand is also part of   Ensign Heritage Consulting; an organization which provides research and consulting services to museums, heritage organizations and the film industry.  

CAVALERIE LEGERE Ayant plû a Son permettre au Capitaine Bell de lever une Compagnie de Cavallerie qui doit faire partie du Bataillon de Milice, sous les ordres du Lieutenant Colonel Burns, et ayant plû en outre à Son Excellence d'autoriser...d'accepter les services de tous les Miliciens de la Ville et des Faubourgs de Québec. -...les personnes qui désireront le joindre, transmettront leurs noms le plutôt possible...vû que la Compagnie sera sous peu de jours complete, et que sitôt après elle commencera à s'exercer au maniement de l'arme blanche. VIVE LE ROI Québec, le 23e Avril 1812. Gazette de Québec, 30 avril 1812

LES VOLTIGEURS...Environs cent jeunes hommes de ce corps sont partis de la Ville hier pour aller en Quartier à Lorette. Ils ont été accompagnés de la Bande [fanfare] du Régiment Royal de Terre-Neuve, et sont passés par les Rues criant Vive le Roi! à plusieurs reprises... Gazette de Québec, 30 avril 1812

LES VOLTIGEURS CANADIENS. Ce corps ne servira que durant la giuerre avec les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, ou les appréhentions d'une telle guerre.... L'exercice des Voltigeurs Volontaires sera d'apprendre à tirer la Carabine. Votre habillement sera simple et léger, de couleur grise et vous porterez le Sabre... Perrault, Capitaine, Voltigeurs Canadiens, Montréal, le 1 mai 1812. Vive le roi. Gazette de Montréal, lundi, 11 mai 1812.

FRANCIS VOGELLER...Musical Instruments...Military C. Fifes and common do...Quebec Gazette, 18 June 1812

QUEBEC, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1812. The following was received in town this morning, by Express from Montreal. "Montreal, 8 A.M. 24th June, 1812. "Dear Sir, "We have just received advice, by an express which left New-York on the 20th instant, informing that war against Great Britain is declared. "No particulars whatever are mentioned, but we cannot doubt the fact, which can be accounted for upon no principles short of French bribery or insanity." Quebec Gazette, 25 June 1812.

St. Thomas, 24th June, 1812. GENERAL ORDERS - INCORPORATED MILITIA. His Excellency...having this day inspected the Fourth Battalion of Incorporated Militia, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Taschereau, is pleased to express his approbation of the zeal and abilities of that officer; the progress of the Battalion under his command, having by means of the exercise and instructions which it has received, exceeded his expectations. His Excellency is also pleased to express the favourable opinion which he entertained of the major and the other officers of that battalion; and he trusts that their attention to duty, will not be relaxed, on any occasion. Quebec Gazette, 25 June 1813.

A VENDRE par les soussignés à leur Magasin, Rue Saint Pierre, à bon marché pour argent comptant. Vingt Balles de Draps Ecarlates, Bleus, Verts et gris, pour le Militaire. 5 Do. Casimires do. do. do. 6 Do. flanelles blanches do. 5 Do. de Couvertes, 100 Douz. de bas Militaires, (...) Québec, le 30 Juin 1812. FRANS QUIROUET & Co. Gazette de Québec, 23 juillet 1812.

PREMIER BATAILLON ROYAUX ECOSSOIS. QUICONQUE voudra fournir au su-dit corps 2,500 Chemise de Flanelle, et 1,800 Souliers de Boeufs semblabes au Patron qu'on pourra voir chez le Quartier-Maître voudra bien envoyer des propositions...d'ici au 1er Septembre prochain... Gazette de Québec, 27 août 1812

FOR SALE by James Ross & Co....100 Doz. best Military Shoes.... Quebec Gazette, 27 August 1812

[For sale]...Military Officers Regulation beaver caps, trimed with rich gold chains, Bullion tassels, Gilt plate and Feather. Canadian Courant and Montreal Advertiser, 21 september 1812

Commissary General's Office, Quebec, 28th September 1812. WANTED for the American Prisonners...comfortable warm clothing consisting of the following articles, viz. JACKETS SHIRTS TROUSERS MOCKESSONS or SHOES Also, 2000 pounds of SOAP.... Quebec Gazette, 1 October 1812

FIRST BATTALION ROYAL SCOTS. ANY Person wishing to supply the above corps with One Thousand Pairs of SOCKS similar to a pattern in possession of the Quarter Master... Jesuits Barracks, 15th Oct. 1812. Quebec Gazette, 15 October 1812

[For sale] ...2 cases of Military boots & shoes... Montreal Herald, 31 October 1812

LOST ON THURSDAY EVENING LAST, AT MALHIOT'S HOTEL A silk and gold sword knot, and a neat black leather waistbelt, with yellow buckles and steel swivels. They were taken from a regulation sword, during dinner... The sword knot appears new... It has a crimson silk stripe down the middle and black edges. The tassel is formed of gold bullion, twisted gold thread, crimson and black silk. Quebec Gazette, 19 November 1812

[For sale]...Hussard Boots... Quebec Gazette, 19 November 1812

VOLONTAIRES DE QUÉBEC 'Pro Aris et Focis' Canadiens et concitoyens! Son Excellence...a bien voulu autoriser la levée d'un corps de Milice sous mon commandement, qui portera le nom de VOLONTAIRES DE QUÉBEC, et qui servira pour dix-huit mois ou durant la présente guerre avec l'Amérique, sous l'Acte de Milice actuellement en force en cette Province.... Le corps dans lequel vous êtes invités, concitoyens, à vous enrôller, est un corps de Volontaires, et ce nom n'est pas déguisé.... je suis autorisé de vous assurer que tout homme qui se distinguera dans ce Corps, deviendra l'objet de l'attention particulière de notre distingué et bien aimé Gouverneur en Chef. Les jeunes gens de talent et d'éducation qui désireront entrer dans les Volontaires de Québec, seront fait Sergent... Quatre Rendez-vous seront ouverts; un à l'Hötel Malhiot, un chez François Pagé, Rue St. Vallier, un à St. Roch; un chez Mad. Blouin, dans le Faubourg St, Jean, et l'autre chez Roy, Rue St. Pierre, dans la Basse-Ville, pour la réception des jeunes et braves Canadiens, mariés ou non mariés, qui désireront joindre ce corps. Il y a un encouragement particulier et une provision de faitepour les hommes mariés qui joindront les Volontaires de Québec. JOSEPH BOUCHETTE, Major Commandant. VIVE LE ROI Gazette de Québec, 5 décembre 1812

SHARP-SHOOTERS - VOLUNTEERS WANTED for the Glengarry Light Infantry Fencibles...[recruits receive] a suit of Regimental Clothing, consisting of,] A Regimental Green Jacket A Cloth Shell Jacket A Pair Cloth Pantaloons A Pair of Shoes A Regimental Cap A Military Great Coat ...Apply at Walker's Hotel ALEX: ROXBURGH, Capt. Glengarry Light Infantry. Kingston Gazette, 12 December 1812

FOR SALE...Geo. Browne. Who has for sale a few fashionable Military Hats, with gold Tassels, Feathers &c. complete... Quebec Gazette, 5 December 1812

GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. Three thousand military SHOES, or beef skin mokassins, wanted for the use of His Majesty's troops...on or before 1st March next - ... Quebec Gazette, 31 December 1812 (also in Quebec Mercury, 29 December 1812)

GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. Wanted for the use of His Majesty's troops, two thousand CANTEENS, agreable to a pattern to be seen at this office [Commissary General's]...on or before 1st March next - ... Quebec Gazette, 31 December 1812 (also in Quebec Mercury, 29 December 1812)

GOVERNMENT CONTRACT Wanted for the Embodied Militia of Lower Canada, 1000 knapsacks of canvas No. 6, to be made according to the pattern to be exhibited... Quebec Gazette, 4 January 1813

Barbados, Bridge Town Nov. 3 [1812]. H.M. armed ship Emma and Monche sch[oone]r arrived this day...with an American privateer schooner of 18 guns.... There seemed to be great regularity on board the ennemy - The officers worn an uniform and all the men appeared in red shirts & blue caps. Montreal Herald, 6 March 1813

BY AUCTION to be sold Wednesday next...MILITARY ARTICLES, viz., Cartrige pouches, Pouch belts, Bayonet belts, Slings, Breast Plates, Drum Slings & Bucket caps... Montreal Herald, 13 March 1813

BY AUCTION...The Following Military Stores. 24 Haversacks, 93 Knapsacks 14 Buff Belts, 554 Leather Stocks, 150 Light Infantry Leather Caps, 14 Bucket Caps, 14 Felt bucket Caps, 150 woolen ditto, 18 Pouches, 15 Great Coat Slings Instruments for a Field Band 9 Clarions, 2 Triangles, 2 Bassoons, 3 French Horns, 1 Field Trumpet, 3 Tambarines, 32 Music Books, 3 Bugle Horns and 6 Fifes. Quebec, 12th April 1813. Quebec Mercury, 13 April 1813

By a General Order of the 8th instant...a provincial Corps to be raised immediatly, to be named COMMISSARIAT VOYAGEURS, to consist of, one Lieutenant Colonel superintendent, one Major Deputy superintendent, one Captain, ten Lieutenants...400 privates able batteaux men, to serve 18 months, or during the war...The field officers to be Commissariat officers. Quebec Mercury, 13 April 1813

On Tuesday last the 23rd inst. the Colors wrought by the Patriotic young Ladies of York [Toronto] were consecrated by the Rev. Dr. Strachan, and presented to the third Regiment of York Militia... [colors are not described]. Kingston Gazette, 20 April 1813.

FOR SALE...A few pieces of SCARLET, and one piece of YELLOW CLOTH, of suitable quality for privates uniform of the 1st Batt. MONTREAL MILITIA. Montreal Herald, 23 April 1813

ORDRE GENERAL, QUARTIER GENERAL, Québec, 23e juin 1813. ...que toutes les femmes des Miliciens des différents Bataillons de la Milice d'Élite et Incorporée qui sont en cette Ville et qui ont droit à des rations les reçoivent dans les mêmes proportions que toutes les femmes des autres Régiments d'Infanterie de Sa Majesté.... Quebec Mercury, 26 juin 1813

HALL & GOWEN...just received from London...Military Staff Officer's hats richly trim'd, regulation caps with rich chains & tassels, ditto for Artillery officers and engineers do. covered with oil skin for the field - An assortment of high finished swords - viz. staff and field officers, regulation and cavalry do. with an assortment of belts suitable for each, and warranted of best quality - Also, a few gilt gorgets, and breast plates, for Canadian Militia, a beautiful assortment of silk sashes, gold and silver embroidered epaulets, regulation do.- Colonel's, Lt. Colonel's and Major's do. - Flank company chain and bullion wings, &c., and a great quantity of sword knots, and a general assortment of every article suitable for the military.... But for cash only. Quebec Gazette, 17 June 1813.

[For sale] ...swords...dirks...Gorget & Breast plates, Gold & Silver lace and fringes, Epaulettes & wings for L. Infantry & Grenadiers, Embroidered cuffs and collars, crimson sashes, do. worsted crimson and yellow... Montreal Herald, 3 July 1813

[For sale] ...2,500 Pairs ARMY SHOES, strong & imported from Britain...MILITARY FLANNEL SHIRTS... Montreal Herald, 21 August 1813

FOR SALE...3000 yards grey [and] 3000 yards blue Military Cloth, 400 yards for watch coats. Quebec Gazette, 26 October 1813.

[For sale] ...Wellington and Hessian boots... Montreal Herald, 31 October 1814

GOVERNMENT CONTRACT...2000 Military Great Coats of good quality to be delivered...15th December... Quebec Gazette, 10 November 1814

A VENDRE... 800 Paires de Culottes de Toile de Russie 700 Havresacs 1000 Paires de Bas Militaires 4 Balles de Hardes 200 Grosses de boutons de Corne Noire J. Reiffenstein & Co. Québec, le 3 Mai 1815 Gazette de Québec, 11 mai 1815

Copyright: René Chartrand

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