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War of 1812 Quiz: General Knowledge

Instructions: Simply mark the right answer for each of the 20 questions in the circular buttons provided, then click the   "GET SCORE" button at the end of the page to get your score and the correct answers.  Good Luck!

1. What US President declared war on Great Britain in 1812?
Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson
James Madison
John Adams

2. What place did the United States and Great Britain sign the Peace Treaty ending the War of 1812?
The Hague

3. On what date was the Peace treaty signed?
November 27, 1814
December 24, 1814
December 31, 1814
January 3, 1815

4. How many states made up the US in 1812?

5. When the declaration of war was voted on in the US House of Representative, how many states had the majority of their representatives vote "NO"?

6. The burning of the public buildings in Washington D.C. by the British was in retaliation for:
US army's burning of Newark, Upper Canada
the killing of the Indian Chief Tecumseh
the US army's looting of York (capital of Upper Canada)

7. At what battle was the British general Sir Isaac Brock killed at?
Queenston Heights
Fort George

8. What was the major naval station on Lake Ontario for the British?

9. What was the name of the British fort on the Detroit River?
Fort Malden
Fort Sandwich
Fort Windsor
Fort Amherstburg

10. What motivated the US to go to war with Great Britain?
Support of the Indians by the British
Maritime Rights
Growth of US borders by conquering Canada
all the above

11. Who was the Governor General of British North America (Canada) in 1812?
Sir George Prevost
Sir Issac Brock
Sir Gordon Drummond
Sir James Craig

12. How many people lived in the US in 1812?
2 million
4 million
6 million
10 million

13. How many people lived in British North America (Canada) in 1812?
1 million
1.5 million
2 million

14. At the Battle of the Chateauguay a force of Canadians defeated an invading US army. How many were on each side?
1200 Canadians vs. 2000 Americans
800 Canadians vs. 1000 Americans
400 Canadians vs. 3500 Americans
2000 Canadians vs. 1800 Americans

15. At the end of the war what parts of the United States were occupied by the British?
Detroit, Fort Niagara, Fort Oswego
Fort Niagara, most of Maine, Lake Michigan area including Wisconsin, part of Georgia
Buffalo, Washington, part of Ohio, Vermont

16. At the end of the war what parts of the British North America (Canada)were occupied by the US?
the Canadian Side of the Detroit River, Fort Erie
the Canadian Side of the Detroit River
York, Fort Erie, Fort George, the Canadian Side of the Detroit River

17. Where was the famous Indian chief Tecumseh killed?
Lundy's Lane

18. By the end of the war what lakes were controlled by the US navy?
Ontario, Erie, Champlain
Erie, Champlain
Erie, Huron, Michigan

19. Which famous US officer serving in War of 1812 did NOT become a US president or vice-president?
Andrew Jackson
Richard M. Johnson
Oliver H. Perry
William H. Harrison

20. By 1814 the US government was afraid that part of the country was going to secede from the union. What part?
the Southern States
New England
the Middle States
the Western States

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