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An Account of the
Battle of Queenston Heights, October 13, 1812
Edited by Robert Henderson

Battle of Queenston Heights (Library and Archives of Canada)
(purchase this print by clicking
The following account is from
Lieutenant John Beverley Robinson of the 3rd Regiment of York Militia (Flank
Company). Robinson served as well at the Capture of Detroit and the taking of
York (Toronto) by US forces where he was made a prisoner. After the war he served as
Upper Canada's Attorney General, was made Sir John Beverley Robinson, Baronet, and
performed the duties of Chief Justice of Upper Canada.
Point, October 14, 1812
The affair of yesterday terminated so gloriously for
this province, and does so much honour to its spirited defenders, that I hasten to give an
account to you, whom I know to be most warmly interested in the present cause of our
I am anxious to detail to you the particulars,
because I know your heart will glow with fervour at our success, while it feelingly and
sincerely laments the price at which it was purchased.
Few things occurred which I had not an opportunity
of observing, and what I did see, from its novelty, its horror, and its anxiety, made so
awful an impression on my mind, that I have the picture of it all fresh and perfect in my
About half-an-hour before daylight yesterday
morning, (the 13th of October, Tuesday), being stationed at one of the batteried between
Fort George and Queenston, I heard a heavy cannonade from Fort Grey on the American side
situate on the height of the mountain, and commanding the town of Queenston. The motions
of the enemy had, for a few days previously, indicated an intention to attack. The lines
had been watched with all the vigilance that our force rendered possible, and so great was
the fatigue which our men underwent from want of rest and exposure to the inclement
weather which had just preceded, that they welcomed with joy the prospect of a field which
would be decisive, and set them more at ease for the future. Their spirits were high, and
their confidence in the General unbounded.
Our party, which was merely an extra guard during
the night, returned to Brown's Point, our main station, which is about two miles in a
direct line from Queenston.
From our battery there we had the whole scene most
distinctly in our view. Day was lust glimmering. The cannon from both sides roared
incessantly, shells were bursting in the air, and the side of the mountain above Queenston
was illumined by the continual discharge of small arms. The last circumstance convinced us
that some part of the enemy had landed ; and in a few moments, as day advanced, objects
became visible, and we saw numbers of Americans in boats attempting to land upon our
shore, amidst a shower of shot of all descriptions, which was skillfully and incessantly
levelled at them.
No orders had been given to Captain Cameron, who
commanded our detachment of York Militia, what conduct to pursue in case of an attack at
Queenston; and as it had been suggested to him that, in the event of a landing being
attempted there, the enemy would probably, by various attacks, endeavour to distract our
force, he hesitated at first whether it would be proper to withdraw his men from the
station assigned them to defend. He soon saw, however, that every exertion was required in
aid of the troops engaged above us, and resolved to march us immediately to the scene of
On our road, General Brock passed us. He had
galloped from Niagara in great haste, unaccompanied by his aide-de-camp or a single
attendant. He waved his hand to us, and desired us to follow with expedition, and galloped
on with full speed to the mountain. Lieutenant-Colonel Macdonell and Captain Glegg passed
immediately after.
At the time the enemy began to cross there were two
companies of the 49th Regiment (the Grenadier and Light Company) and, I believe, three
small companies of Militia to oppose them.
Their reception was such as did honour to the
courage and management of our troops. The grape and musket balls, poured upon them at:
close quarters as they approached the shore, made incredible havoc. A single discharge
from a held-piece directed by Captain Dennis himself (the captain of the 49th Grenadiers)
killed fifteen in one boat.

Officer of the 49th Regiment of
Foot by Charles Stadden
(courtesy of Parks Canada)
Three of their batteaux
landed at the hollow below Mr.Hamilton's garden in Queenston, and were met by a party of
Militia, who slaughtered almost the whole of those in them, taking the rest prisoners.
Several other boats were so shattered and raked that the men in them threw down their
arms, and came on shore merely to deliver themselves up prisoners of war.
Thus far, things had proceeded successfully; and the
General, on his approach to the spot, was greeted with the happy intelligence that all our
aggressors were destroyed or taken. As we advanced with our company we met troops of
Americans on their way to Fort George under guard, and the road was lined with miserable
wretches, suffering under wounds of all descriptions, and crawling to our houses for
protection and comfort.
The spectacle struck us, who were unused to such
heart-rending scenes, with horror; but we hurried to the place, impressed with the idea
that we had conquered, and that the business of the day was done.
A fresh brigade of four boats had just then crossed,
and our troops, who had been stationed on the mountain, were ordered down to dispute their
landing. No sooner had they descended than the enemy appeared in force above them. They
had probably landed before the rest, while it was yet dark, and had remained concealed by
the rough crags of the mountain. They possessed themselves instantly of our battery on the
General Brock rushed up the mountain on foot with
some troops to dislodge them; but they were so advantageously posted, and kept up so
tremendous a fire, that the small number ascending were driven back.
The General then rallied the men, and was proceeding
up the right of the mountain to attack them in flank, when he received a ball in his
breast. Several of the 49th assembled round him. One poor fellow was severed in the middle
by a ball, and fell across the General. They succeeded, however, in conveying the
General's body to Queenston.
Just at this instant we reached Queenston. We were
halted a few moments in Mr. Hamilton's garden, where we were exposed to the shot from the
American battery at Fort Grey and two field-pieces directly opposite us, and also to an
incessant fire of musketry from the side of the mountain. One of our poor fellows had his
leg shot off in the ranks by a ball which carried away the whole calf of another lad's
In a few minutes we were ordered to advance to the
mountain. The nature of the ground and the galling fire prevented any kind of order in
ascending. We soon scrambled to the top, at the right of the battery which the Americans
had gained, and were in some measure covered by the woods. There we stood, and gathering
the men as they advanced, formed them into line ; the fire was too hot to admit of delay.
Scarcely more than fifty were collected, of whom about thirty were of our company, headed
by Captain Cameron and three of our subalterns. The remainder were the 49th, commanded by
Captain Williams.
Lieutenant-Colonel Macdonell was there, mounted, and
animating the men to charge, seconded with great spirit and valour by Captain Williams.
But the attempt was unsuccessful, and must have been dictated rather by a fond hope of
regaining what had been lost by a desperate effort than by any conviction of its
practicability. The enemy were just in front, covered by bushes and logs, and were three
or four hundred in number. They perceived us forming, and at about thirty yards' distance
Colonel Macdonell, who was on the left of our party,
most heroically calling upon us to advance, received a shot in his side, and fell. His
horse was the same instant killed
.Captain Williams, who was at the other extremity
of our small band, fell the next instant, apparently dead. The remainder of our men
discharged their pieces, and retired down the mountain. Lieutenant M'Lean was wounded in
the thigh, and Captain Cameron, in his attempt to save Colonel Macdonell, exposed himself
to a shower of musketry, which he most miraculously escaped. He succeeded in bearing off
his friend; and Captain Williams recovered from the wound in his head in time to make his
escape down the mountain.
This happened about ten oclock. Our forces
rallied a mile below.... General Sheaffe, with the 41st from Fort George, about 300 in
number, came up soon after with the field-pieces and Car Brigade. All the force that could
be mustered was collected, and we marched through the fields back of Queenston, ascended
the mountain on the right, and remained in the woods in rear of the enemy till
intelligence was gained of their position. During this time, the Americans were constantly
landing fresh troops unmolestcd, and carrying back their dead and wounded in their return
About three o'clock, General Sheaffe advanced
through the woods towards the battery on the mountain, with the main body and the field
guns on the right: the Mohawk Indians, under Captain Norton, and a Niagara Company of
Blacks, proceeded along the brow of the mountain on the left ; and our company of Militia,
with the Light Company of the 49th, broke through in the centre.
In this manner we rushed through the woods to our
encamping ground on the mountain, which the enemy had occupied. The Indians were the first
in advance. As soon as they perceived the enemy they uttered their terrific war-whoop, and
commenced a most destructive fire, rushing rapidly upon them. Our troops instantly sprang
forward from all quarters, joining in the shout.
The Americans stood a few moments, gave two or three
general volleys, and then fled by hundreds down the mountain. At that moment, Captain
Bullock, with 150 of the 41st and two Militia flank companies, appeared advancing on the
road from Chippawa. The consternation of the enemy was complete
They had no place to retreat to, and were driven by
a furious and avenging foe, from whom they had little mercy to expect, to the brink of the
mountain which overhangs the river. They fell in numbers.... Many leaped down side of the
mountain to avoid the horrors which pressed upon them, and were dashed to pieces by the
A white flag was observed, and with the utmost
difficulty the slaughter was suspended. Two officers who brought it were conducted up the
mountain to General Sheaffe. A cessation of hostilities for three days was agreed upon.
Thus ended the business
of this day, so important and so interesting in its occurrences to the inhabitants of this
province. The invasion of our peaceful shores has terminated in the entire destruction of
their army and the total loss of everything brought over.
The number of Americans landed
is unknown, and cannot be easily ascertained by us, but we know that we have taken nearly,
or perhaps quite, 1000 prisoners, with more than fifty officers, undoubtedly their bravest
and best. Still we have much to sorrow for. Our country has a loss to deplore which the
most brilliant success cannot fully atone for. That General who had led our little army to
victory, whose soul was wrapped up in our prosperity, and whose every energy was directed
to the defence of our country, is now shrouded in death.
Who will not sympathise in
another misfortune nearly related to this. ... That heroic young man [Lieutenant Colonel
Macdonell], the constant attendant of the General, strove to support to the last a cause
which should never be despaired of, but he was not destined to witness its triumph. I have
mentioned the manner of his death. His career was short, but honourable; his endwas
premature and full of glory. He will be buried at the same time with the General
Our company of
volunteers suffered considerably. One man was killed, and eleven wounded, most of them
badly. But all these, though melancholy circumstances, are inevitable consequences of war;
and grateful should the inhabitants of this province be to Heaven if, by a sacrifice of
some of its gallant defenders, it can save itself from unjust aggression, and preserve to
our Mother Country a possession which has ever been the object of its affection.
Our troops will have
received fresh courage from their victory, and the cool though determined and vigorous
conduct of General Sheaffe, and the gallant behaviour and spirited exertions of every
ofiicer under his command on that occasion, claim from us every confidence in the
anticipation of the future."
Copyright Access Heritage Inc (formerly The Discriminating General)