Reviews, Releases
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All Their Glory Past: Fort Erie, Plattsbrugh and the Final
Battles in the North, 1814
supposedly the final book of Donald Graves on the War of
1812. He has tried to complete the story started with
his book on Lundy's Lane. While the story of
Plattsburgh and Fort Erie are hard to weave together, this
talented "face of battle" author makes a good attempt at it.
However the battles themselves are brilliantly told with the
feeling that you are there. Good read. |
Matter of Honour: The Life, Campaigns, and Generalship of
Isaac Brock
This is by far
the best book on the market on Isaac Brock. Written by
a British General on a British General, the reader is
offered a unique perspective through the eyes of an
experienced officer: Lt General Jonathon Riley. |
Incredible War of 1812
by J.M. Hitsman, Updated by Don
Graves. The problem with many 1812 general
histories is there seems to be a nationalism spin in them.
Hitsman seems to have done the best job at finding a path up
the middle. With the updates, footnotes and editing by
Don Graves, it is a worthy addition to any 1812 enthusiast's
of Washington: The British Invasion of 1814
by Anthony S. Pitch. After
extensive research, this author has painstakingly recreated
the events of 1814 around the US capital with the excitement
and drama of a novel. Very enjoyable.
Iroquois in the War of 1812.
Carl Benn. Thoroughly researched, this book
represents one of the best works so far on the Indian
participation in the war. One definitely for the
bookshelf. Hopefully more will follow to further tell their
Lords of
the Lake: The Naval War on Lake Ontario, 1812-1814.
by Robert Malcomson. To make things simple,
this is the definitive work on the subject! If your
interest is in the navy during the War you need this one.
The North American Society for Oceanic History presented
Lords of the Lake with the John Lyman Book Prize as
"The Best Work in Canadian Naval and Maritime
History" published during 1998.
excerpt from "Field of Glory" The Battle of
Crysler's Farm, 1813
An incredible battle history book on the US attempt
ot capture Montreal. See also "Field
of Glory" The Battle of Crysler's Farm, 1813 by Donald
E. Graves
Release Notes: "Where
Right and Glory Lead!" The Battle of Lundy's Lane, 1814
by Donald E. Graves
This is a ground breaking
approach to telling the battle histories of the War of 1812.
It tastes like you are there.
A Wampum
Denied: Procter's War of 1812.
Sandy Antal. Everyone has heard of Tecumseh.
Well Procter commanded the British forces Tecumseh worked
with on the Detroit frontier. He commanded at River Raisin,
seiges of Forts Miegs and Stephenson, and at the Battle of
the Thames where Tecumseh fell. It fills a hole in the
various theatres of the war. However it lacks the
Keegan style "Face of Battle" storytelling of
events. Still a good read.
Hearts Make Light Days: The War of 1812 Journal of
Lieutenant John Le Couteur, 104th Foot
by Donald E. Graves. Arguably the best personal account of
the War of 1812. Life of a subaltern officer is superbly
captured with the quill of John Le Couteur. His
account takes across the Province of New Brunswick on
snowshoes and through the most hotly contested battles of
the war.
A Very
Brilliant Affair: The Battle of Queenston Heights,
Robert Malcomson.. Another fine read by Robert
Malcomson. After developing a place as one of the lead
historians in 1812 Naval history, he has wandered unto land
good style with this work. Attention to detail is his
Fix Bayonets!
A Royal Welsh Fusilier at War 1796-1815.
by Donald Graves This is a fascinating story of
Thomas Pearson, one of this editor's favourite characters in
the War of 1812. Lt Col Pearson is the poster boy for
what every field officer should strive to be. Excellent
battle play-by-plays that Graves has become famous for.
Here is the publisher's note: " Thomas Pearson, a
Somerset country parson's son, was commissioned in the 23rd
Foot, Royal Welch Fusiliers, in late 1796. In a fascinating
military career that spanned nearly 47 years he fought on
three continents, was wounded five times, received two
battlefield promotions and achieved the rank of
Guide Book
to the Historic Sites of the War of 1812.
Gilbert M. Collins. This summer take a tour of
the various War of 1812 historic sites. And when you
do, take this book along. If you can't go.
Get this book and find out just how many you will be
Forces in North America 1793-1815
by René Chartrand Nice overview of the various units
raised in British North America (Canada), along with details
on their uniforms. The rumour on the grape vine is René
Chartrand is writing a complete study of British dress and
equipment in the war. This brief Osprey book will have
to suffice until then.
Generals in the War of 1812: High Command in the Canadas
Wesley B. Turner. Great premise. Who was the best
British leader during the War of 1812? Individual
chapters are devoted to Brock, Prevost, Sheaffe, de
Rottenburg, and Drummond and a criteria for what makes a
good general is established. With a 1/4 of the book devoted
to endnotes, to say Professor Turner is thorough is an
Accounts and Documents
British Documents of the Canadian War of 1812 by
William C. Wood (Vol. 1 to 4) - Not visiting the Library and Archives of Canada
that often. This volume series
is the next best choice. In the 1960s Mr Wood compiled many
of the most important documents on the War of 1812 as well as
lesser ones. Capitulations, General Orders, Regimental
Orders, Court Martials, Personal Accounts, concerning battles,
training, governing, stores, women, clothing, Indians.... are all
in here. Anyone writing about the war consults this series.
The volumes at Barnes and Noble are listed as Vol. 13, 14, 15,
& 17. This is because they were published as part of
works of the Champlain Historical Society.
Topography of Upper Canada by John E. Douglas.
As an assistant surgeon of the 8th Regiment, Douglas served
throughout the war and provided a detailed study of the diseases
and conditions the British soldiers laboured under. Though
written for a contemporary medical audience, it provides important
details to the understanding of life during the War of 1812.
of 1814: American Enlisted Men's Memoirs of the Niagara Campaign.
by Donald E. Graves. Experiences of the
common soldier are difficult to come across. However Mr
Graves have brought some to the main stream.

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