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Camp Life at Point Henry,
Kingston, May 1813
Edited by Robert Henderson

Canadian Voltigeur Officer by G.A.
(courtesy of Parks Canada)
This account was originally translated from French and published in
1895 by Hubert Neilson under the title Reminiscences of the War of 1812-14: Being
Portions of the Diary of a Captain of the "Voltigeurs Canadiens" While in
Garrison at Kingston, Etc. The captain in question was Jacques Viger, who went
on to became Montreal's first mayor in 1833. This particular excerpt deals
with an encampment located in Kingston, Upper Canada (Ontario) on an elevated stretch of
land called Point Henry. The strategic advantages on this location induced military
officials in 1814 to construct a fort. Called Fort Henry this military site grew and
evolved to become one of the largest fortifications in Canada. Today, Fort Henry is
one of Ontario's major tourist attractions where the visitor experiences life in an 1860s
garrison along with numerous exhibits on various military topics.
"...we were ordered by
General Prevost on the 17th of May to cross over to Point Henry, where we now occupy tents
which we again once more put up in a wilderness of stumps, fallen trees, boulders, and
rocks of all sizes and shapes; sharing our blanket with reptiles of varied species;
carrying out the precepts of the most self-sacrificing charity towards ten million insects
and crawling abominations, the ones more voracious and disgusting than the others.
Phlebotomized by the muskitoes, cut and dissected by gnats, blistered by the sand flies,
on the point of being eaten alive by the hungry wood rats as soon as they shall have
disposed of our provisions. Pray for us! Pray for us! ye pious souls.
Broken down
with fatigue, drenched with rain, I enter my tent to find that the birds of the air have
besmirched me with lime; I have no sooner sat on my only camp stool when a horrid toad
springs on to my lap in a most familiar way; I cast my wearied limbs on to my couch, a
slimy snake insists on sharing with me the folds of my blanket, I hastily retire and leave
him in possession. Let us have supper! The frying pan is produced to fry the
ration pork. Horror! A monstrous spider has selected it for his web; he holds
the fort in a viciously threatening attitude in the centre of its rays, he defiantly seems
to sya, remove me if you dare! The flinty biscuit must be pounded and broken or one
can't eat it, here again the beastly wood-bugf must needs crawl under the masher, and in
losing his life infect everything with his sickening odor. Oh! Captain, what can we
do? exclaims my valet. Fiat lux! What, Sir? Light the
candle, you blockhead, light the candle. Let us write to our distant friends the
excess of our misery. O ye gods, what a place this is! The candle is lighted,
it is the next moment surrounded by myriads of flying things. My table is littered
with writhing abominations, June bugs hasten from all sides, they besiege the light,
extinguish it under one's very nose, strike you in the eye, and as a parting shot stun you
with a blow on the forehead. What a paradise this spot would be for an entomologist!
We remained
in this inferno a whole fortnight, but thank heavens these very unpleasant experiences
came to an end and were followed by better times. After showing you the dark side of
the medal it is but right you should now be shown the bright.
When we first
came to Point Henry on the 17th of May, it was covered with stumps and the ground was
nothing but holes and bumps. The trees had been cut down but quite recently.
With much labour our Voltigeurs succeeded in levelling their camp ground. The camp
consists of two rows of Marquises, facing one broad central avenue at the head of which
are our Major's quarters and at the foot a small entrenchment. On a fine day our
encampment presents quite a pretty sight. the Point is high and commands the view
over all the surrounding country. We can here perceive the immense expanse of Lake
Ontario, on the distan horizon a few wooded islands, to the right the town and its pretty
back-ground; the harbour and its sailing craft; Point Frederick, its fortifications and
shipyears are mapped before us; to the left is Wolfe Island with its extensive
forests dotted here and there with new settlements. Away from the town and the
control of the "Big Heads", under the immediate command of an officer who is
popular, we can hope to live here in peace, quiteness and happily."
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