of Andrew Jackson in 1829
by Robert Henderson

following biography was originally published in 1829 in the United
Service Journal, a British military periodical, and illustrates
how Great Britain was re-introduced to Andrew Jackson when Jackson was
elected President of the United States. The correspondent
attempts to tell the other side of Jackson, beyond the General that
defeated the British Army at New Orleans.
personage occupies at this moment, or will in a very few day occupy, the
highest political station in the New World. The chief magistrate of ten
millions of people, so intimately connected with English men by blood, by
language, and above all, by similarity of manners and institutions, is of
necessity an object of interest, without even taking into account the
effect that may result from his temper and character on the happiness and
prosperity, not only of America, but of all her allies, and all her
rivals. Gen. Jackson alias, moreover, been known to us for good and for
evil during the last seventeen years, long before he had any pretension
to, or any chance of attaining the presidency over his countrymen. His
personal history, however, is a matter which few have attended to, and
which few know. We think, therefore, we shall do a service to our readers
in laying before them a few of the more prominent facts regarding it. We
have derived them chiefly from a little work published a week or two ago
at Paris, of which we believe our own is the only copy that has reached
London. The writer is D. B. Warden, Esq. formerly consul of the United
States at Paris, and a corresponding member of the Royal Institute, a
gentleman well known in America, and intimately conversant with his
subject. We ought to observe, that Mr. Warden is a decided partizan of the
General, and, therefore, his opinions are to be taken with some allowance.
With these, however, we have no wish to interfere ; it is the facts he
details that we purpose to use, and so far as they go, we believe Mr. W.
may be safely relied on.
Gen. Andrew Jackson is by descent an Irishman. His father and mother left
that country for South Carolina, no farther back than the year 1765.
Andrew was born on the 15th March, 1765, on a farm that had been purchased
by his father in the district of Waxsaw, about five-and-forty miles from
Camden. He had the misfortune to lose his father a short time after his
birth. His mother, who from circumstances connected with her history,
seems to have been a woman of great sensibility, destined her youngest son
for the church ; and he had been placed for some time at a school in the
neighbourhood of their residence, when the English, under Carleton, burst
into the province of South Carolina. Young Jackson, though barely fifteen
years of age, was smit with the general mania of his countrymen, and
forsaking his books, he shouldered a musket, and set out accompanied by
his two brothers older than himself, to repel the invaders. The campaign,
though a glorious one for his country, was a fatal one to young Jackson,
for he lost his two brothers, both of whom were slain, the one at the
battle of Stoney, and the other a short time before at Camden Town ; and
his mother, unable to bear up under such an accumulation of grief, died of
a broken heart, soon after the melancholy news of the loss of her children
became known to her.
Jackson seems to have lost with his mother his relish for ecclesiastical
studies ; for instead of returning to them at the close of the war, he
went to Salisbury, and there studied law for a couple of years ; and being
sufficiently master of a profession, which at that period of American
history was far from being an abstruse one, he was called to t!ie bar in
the year 1786. He practised as a barrister at Salisbury for a couple of
years ; he afterwards removed along with his friend Judge M'Nair to
Nashville in Tennessee, where, and in the neighbourhood of which, he has
ever since resided. His talents and assiduity so recommended him to the
notice of the people of Nashville, that he was in a short time elected
Attorney-general for the district, an office which he filled for many
years. In America, even now, there is not that nice distinction of civil
and military, that is found in older and more stationary communities.
Judges there
still fight duels, and private citizens are not infrequently summoned from
their peaceful labours to guide the armies of the Republic. At that early
period this confusion of classes was more common; and therefore it will
not appear surprising that Jackson, instead of conducting a suit, should
be called on by his fellow citizens to conduct a band of soldiers against
the enemies of the provinces. The Indians were then the enemies that
Tennessee had most to fear ; and on one occasion, in a hostile incursion,
they penetrated to the very centre of the province. Jackson, who had a
bold heart as well as a ready tongue, was called on, and putting himself
at the head of the local militia, he not only routed the barbarians, and
drove them back to their wilds, but inflicted so signal a punishment on
them, as left them without power or inclination to disturb the state for
many years afterwards.
In 1796, Tennessee, having then a population of the requisite number, was
admitted as one of the States of the Union. Jackson was one of the persons
to whom the draught of the constitution of the New State was entrusted,
and he was the first man who represented it in Congress. He was made a
Senator in 1797, which honour however he resigned in 1799, on being
appointed judge of the supreme court of his adopted country, and
commander-in-chief of its militia forces. The first of these appointments
he is said to have accepted with some reluctance ; it is certain he soon
quitted it, and retiring to his farm on the banks of lake Cumberland,
about ten miles from Nashville, he passed the next ten or twelve years of
his life in the quiet of rural retirement.
When the war between Great Britain and the United States was proclaimed, a
war in which, when looking back on it, the impartial observer, while he
admits that in the early part of the quarrel England was not undeserving
of blame, must acknowledge, that long before it terminated in an open
rupture, the United States had contrived by their shuffling
conduct, very effectually to transfer all the odium of the contest to
themselves ; Jackson was called from his retreat like another Cincinnatus,
to head, in a more important cause, those bands which he had led on to
victory many years before. He was ordered by Congress to take the command
of two thousand five hundred volunteers, part of the army of fifty
thousand men ordered to be levied for the defence of the States, and to
descend the Mississippi in order to defend the low country towards the
south. His conduct to the troops under his command on this occasion was
extremely humane. The Congress, with a fine disregard of the rights of the
poor men, had ordered them to be disbanded on the 1st. Jan., while at a
distance of many miles from home, and while un-provided with the means of
reaching it. The object of this piece of injustice, was to induce the
volunteers to enlist in the line ; it was defeated by Jackson, who
provided his soldiers with every thing they required, and did not
discharge them until he had conveyed them safely back to Nashville.
The Creek Indians, stimulated, as was pretended, by two individuals who
suffered severely for crimes very imperfectly proved, had begun meanwhile
to molest the frontiers, and in one of their savage inroads had captured
the fortress of Mimms, and slaughtered every one, men, women, and
children, to the number of three hundred, that, they found in it. These
marauders had received, it was said, arms and ammunition from the Spanish
port of Pensacola, which had also encouraged a disembarkation of the
English. On the 8th Oct., Jackson, for whose use the Congress had voted
300,000 dollars, began the campaign with an army amounting to two thousand
men, and a number of the volunteers which he had led south in the winter
of the previous year. He encountered the greatest possible difficulties,
partly from the inefficiency of his commissariat department, which led to
a mutiny among his men; and partly from the indecision of the civil
authorities. He overcame them all, however ; marched to Mobile,
notwithstanding the scruples of the civilians, and driving out the English
and Indians from it, restored Pensacola to the Spanish authorities.
We have no wish to enter on the vexata quaestio [disputed question] of the
judgment passed on Messrs. Arbuthnot and Ambrister, nor the very doubtful
justice of its execution. We believe that the general opinion now is, that
the act of Jackson so mudi blamed at the time, was not inconsistent with
military law, and this is the utmost that his warmest apologists can
fairly allege for him. The General has displayed, not in this case alone
where an enemy was concerned, but even where the civil institutions of his
own country stood in his way, that he was not a man to be scared from his
purpose by trifles. He had scarce taken up a position for the defence of
New Orleans, when he required the suspension of the Habeas Corpus act from
the magistracy, and on one -of them hesitating to comply with the
requisition, he without ceremony banished him from the province, and
passed the Suspension Act by means of the remainder.
Jackson established his head-quarters at New Orleans, on the 1st Dec.
1814. His merit in the defence of that town was the greater, as not only
did he make the wisest and most efficient disposition of the troops under
his command, but he had almost to create the means that he so successfully
employed. Of the causes of the failure of the English attack, and of the
slaughter by which it was accompanied, we shall not at present speak. Had
Gen. Pakenham driven Jackson from the stockade planted for the protection
of the militia and Kentucky rifle men,— strong behind even the slightest
defences, though inefficient in the open field,—it was generally said
the latter would have fired the town. A saying is attributed to him on
this occasion which is older than the foundation of the American Republic.
The civil authorities requested to know, whether in the event of his
losing the day, he would destroy New Orleans. " If 1 thought my hair
knew what was passing in my head, I would wear a wig" is reported to
have been Jackson's answer. He did not lose the day, and therefore the
question remained unsolved. On the 23d, the General proceeded to the
principal church of New Orleans, to return thanks to Heaven for his great
and unexpected victory, where he was saluted by the preacher, Mr. Dubourg,
as the " Saviour of his country."
The news of
the treaty of Ghent, which was signed previous to the engagement that cost
the English so many valuable lives, arrived soon after ; martial law
ceased, and the army of New Orleans was disbanded. The magistrate whom
Jackson had banished resumed his functions, and summoning the ex-general
before him, fined him 1000 dollars for contempt of court, and the fine was
without hesitation paid. It was instantly subscribed by a thousand of his
admiring countrymen. Jackson soon after returned to Nashville, whence he
had been absent about eighteen months, and where he was welcomed with the
greatest enthusiasm by all classes and denominations of the community.
Since that time, nothing has happened to call into action the military
qualifications of the " Hero of New Orleans," as the Americans
term him, and he has passed, we believe, the greater part of it in the
ordinary pursuits of a plain country gentleman. In 1825, he was proposed
as a candidate for the Presidency, by the Southern States, between which
and the older states of the North, there had long existed a jealousy which
may at some future period lead to important results. Of 202 votes given on
that occasion, Jackson had 99, and Adams, the present President, only 84.
As neither had an absolute majority, 132, the selection devolved in
consequence on the senate, which determined in favour of Adams. On the
present occasion, Gen. Jackson has, we believe, 180 votes ; while Mr.
Adams has no more than his original number of 84, and the return of the
former is therefore matter of absolute certainty.
General Jackson is a tall thin man, of a dried aspect, and hence his
soubriquet of Hiccory. He is still extremely active and vigorous for his
age, sixty-two, and, with much decision of character, is described as a
person of pleasant and affable address, and of easy access to the poor est
and humblest of his countrymen. Fears have been entertained in this
country, lest his reign, as we may well call it, should be a turbulent one
; but we rather think they will prove unfounded. We have a bright example
at home, that it is not those who are most conversant with war and its
difficulties, that are most disposed to enter upon it unnecessarily.*
* The following anecdote is told of
Jackson when he was a judge : it has the merit of being characteristic at
least. One day a person was placed at the bar for some pretty considerable
small number of murders—a very common species of delinquency in Kentucky
; who, on being sentenced, contrived by a vigorous use of his arms and
legs to get out of court and make off. The Sheriff instantly invoked the
aid of the surrounding citizens to retake the criminal, and several
bounded forth for that purpose. Judges in America are not encumbered with
wigs and gowns; and Jackson, who had started with the rest, soon headed
the chase. The fellow, finding himself hard pressed by " Hiccory,"
turned short round and offered fight ; when the Judge, having first
summoned him to surrender, and he having refused, Jackson coolly drew one
of his pistols from his pocket and shot him through the head. He then
returned to court, resumed his seat, and heard with all imaginable gravity
the report of the Sheriff of the attempted evasion of the criminal ; how
he was pursued ; and, refusing to submit to lawful authority, was shot
through the head by a certain citizen, Andrew Jackson, whose aid the
Sheriff had legally called for.
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